Bishop's Resources

Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, Bishop's Guide for conducting funeral services.

We want to take this opportunity to express our thanks and appreciation to you for the many hours you give as you serve the families in your ward, especially when they are faced with the loss of a loved one.  As we witness the loving care offered by our good bishops, we count it as true tender mercies.

     I want you to know that all of us at Berg Mortuary are here to assist you in any way we can.  We have put together a few resources items with we hope will be a help to you as you serve the families in your ward.  I hope you will find these things helpful in streamlining your efforts as you conduct funeral services.

Click on image to open document.

Click Image to open Bishops Funeral Service Guidebook.  The listed information can change over time so please refer to the current handbook of instruction for any clarifications. 

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